(2019) “It’s not a phase, mom”: This photo-documentary investigates how certain memories can lead to a certain adopted identity, tries to find a common memory/denominator as to why people start listening to heavy metal, and questions if it is based on personal trauma. In a study conducted in 2018, Rowe and Guerin, single out four common factors connecting metalheads: they reported being bullied or marginalized through social relationships at school, they felt the music helped cope with feelings of anger and ostracization, they found community in the metal fandom, and said their metalhead identities allowed them to both keep their tormentors at bay and forging connections with fellow fans.
Click here to view.

(2017) “The Night’s Imaginarum”: In this project, the limitations of perception in the human mind are questioned by exceeding photographic limitations by using the subject of sleep paralysis. The images don’t represent reality, they represent everything but the reality. This is achieved by experimenting with non-traditional ways to capture light and thus making a photographic image. The photographer tries to act as a director instead of a photographer, by using the photographic image without using a camera, by using techniques such as red reveal, lenticular stereoscopy and scanography.
Click here to view.

(2014) “PES”: PES stands for Post-Erasmus-Syndrome, a psychological state of mind where exchange students get caught up in, when they return home after a long time. It’s called a reversed culture shock, but it’s more than just that. Home doesn’t really feel like it anymore. The exchange students are stuck between a state of dreaming and reality. Their reality has become estranged. This alienation is the emphasis of this project. There is also another symbolicism in this project. Pes means foot or “by foot” in Latin. It refers to a journey through Europe to rediscover the own identity. It’s a quest for different cultures, forming a whole, but different in their own ways. It’s the feeling of being on the road continuously, being isolated from the world, alienation and solitude.
Click here to view.

(2014) “(Re)Tracing Memories” is about the distortion of memories experienced during childhood, when later revisiting the past, things seem out of proportion or even wrong, but in the mind it is still something that happened. This project was part of the “Unie Hasselt-Genk” exhibition in Bokrijk.
Click here to view.

(2013) “Untitled”: Commissioned artwork for Stadsmus, Hasselt.
Click here to view.

(2012) “Music”:
In this documentary series, not only the relation between a musician and his or her instrument is being explored, but also whether sound, melody or rhythm can be captured in a photograph and more importantly if these concepts can be evoked by looking at a photograph or by experiencing something between the interaction of two images put together as one.
Click here to view.

(2012) “Imagine”: Series of self-portraits exploring escapism.
Click here to view.

(2011) “PVdE”:
This project consisted of a series of 10 photographs in immediate relation to the sudden death of my uncle, exploring themes such as grief, emptiness, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder and how death affects the people in close environment to the deceased.